Tips to Save Money This Christmas

Feeling like Christmas always knocks you down harder than you expected (financially, that is)? It’s hard to enjoy Christmastime when you feel like your hard-earned savings is all slipping out of your hands at once. Good news: it is possible to show your loved ones...

The Future of Social Security

Is the future of Social Security secure? According to the Social Security Board of Trustees, the current benefits program will be kept up until 2035. At this time, changes will have to be made if the full benefits are to be maintained. These changes will most likely...

Preventing Debit Card Fraud

If you’ve ever been a victim of debit card fraud, you probably want to do everything possible to prevent it from happening again. For those who’ve never experienced debit card fraud – let’s keep it that way! It’s no fun, and even if you aren’t out any money in the...

Should You Ever Take Out a Personal Loan?

Should you ever take out a personal loan? Personal loans are used for a variety of purposes. The most common reasons for taking out a personal loan include debt consolidation, medical bills, home improvement projects, large expenses such as weddings and vacations, and...

Can You Retire on $1 Million?

Can you retire on $1 million? How much money does it really take in order to be truly prepared for retirement? Retirement can be a scary concept if you don’t have a plan. Who wants to keep saving without knowing how much they really need? There are many factors that...

De-Risking Your Portfolio

De-risking your portfolio is certainly not a new concept. However, the past year and a half have brought it to the forefront of the minds of many investors. Managing your portfolio is an important aspect of investing. Still, de-risking your portfolio is probably less...

Download our 15 Detailed Steps to Financial Success

One of the most difficult parts about planning for the future is the unknown. Because of this, we’ve created a free financial checklist that allows you to take note of which areas of your financial life are all set and which ones need attention.

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