Life Insurance AND Retirement Income

If you’ve been following along with us, you know we’ve been covering some of the basics about life insurance. Last time, we talked about Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts, or ILITs. Today, we’re delving into retirement income and how you may be able...

What’s An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust?

After reading our first blog on life insurance, you may be wondering about some of the more complex types of life insurance and estate planning. In today’s blog, we will be getting into Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts or ILITs. This is an incredibly powerful...

How Much is Your Life Worth?

It feels impossible to put a number on your life, but that’s exactly what we’re talking about when it comes to life insurance worth. How can we determine our worth when it comes to life insurance? There’s a lot to know when it comes to preparing for your future,...


Today’s blog post comes courtesy of our good friend Johanna White, owner of Design by Jo. She had the unfortunate experience of being targeted by hackers. Without further ado, here is her story. SURE 2-STEP SECURITY IS ANNOYING… But then I got hacked, and I...

Changes to Michigan Car Insurance

There are changes coming your way if you are a Michigan driver. In July 2020, new rules go into effect that will have an impact on your car insurance choices. Here is a quick preview of what to expect. Why Are Changes Being Made? Michigan has some of the highest car...

Important Legal Documents for College Students

As summer turns to fall, flocks of recent high school graduates leave the nest and head off to college or university for the first time. Their parents are faced with a wide range of emotions as they watch their children prepare to spread their wings as independent...

Download our 15 Detailed Steps to Financial Success

One of the most difficult parts about planning for the future is the unknown. Because of this, we’ve created a free financial checklist that allows you to take note of which areas of your financial life are all set and which ones need attention.

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