How to Use Your Retirement Paycheck
You’ve saved up using your 401k for decades, and now it’s finally time to retire! But now you have to face the...
“Can I Borrow From My IRA?”
If you’re in need of quick cash, you may be wondering, “Can I borrow from my IRA?” Let’s take a look at the possibilities, pros, and cons.
What is a Financial Roadmap?
What is a financial roadmap, and how can it help you move toward your financial goals? Here’s why this tool is so important.
Meet the Team Part 1 – Jaakko and Tyler
We love getting to know our clients! Learn more about the faces behind Milestone Wealth Management and “Meet the Team” in this post!
Can You Be Fired After Announcing Retirement?
Can you be fired after announcing retirement? Find out the best way to announce your retirement and avoid being fired in this post.
Mobile Payment Apps – Cautions and Considerations
As the use of mobile payment apps continues to increase, it’s important to take into consideration how to use them...
The F.I.R.E. Movement – Is There a Better Way?
Is the F.I.R.E. movement a good idea or a bad idea? Let’s take a look at some potential concerns of this movement and what to do instead.
How Much Should I Be Investing for Retirement?
If you’ve been asking, “how much should I be investing for retirement?”, find out the answer and what to do if you’re starting later in life.
Estate Planning – What Documents Are Most Important?
What documents are most important for estate planning? At Milestone, we want you and your family to be fully prepared for the future.
Preparing for Retirement Emotionally
Preparing for retirement emotionally is often overlooked. Here’s what you need to know about the emotional challenges of retirement.
What is Commonwealth?
What is Commonwealth? Learn about our partnership and how this relationship allows our clients to experience superior financial services.
Why Hire a Financial Advisor? Cost Vs. Investment
Why hire a financial advisor? How can one help you in your financial situation, and what are the benefits? Let’s take a look!
8 of the Best Places to Retire for Outdoor Activities
Love the outdoors? Want to stay active in your retirement years? While you can create a full, energetic lifestyle...
Spousal Roth IRA – What You Need to Know
A spousal Roth IRA is an excellent option that allows a non-working spouse to still contribute to an IRA account. Find out more in this post!
15-Year Vs. 30-Year Mortgage – Which to Choose
When it comes to choosing a 15-year vs. 30-year mortgage, there are pros and cons to each. Find out which option is best for you.
Bank Security: Why Your Bank is Not Your Friend
Unfortunately, fraud cases happen. It’s up to you to help keep your money safe. Here are some helpful bank security practices to implement.
How to Live on a Budget – 6 Tips for Success
A budget puts you in control of your funds. Check out these tips for how to live on a budget successfully and meet your financial goals.
Cash Flow – How to Make Your Money Work for You
So, you got your paycheck. What’s next? How can you allocate the money properly so that you have enough for each...
Meet the Team Part 2 – Bobbie
Meet our team! In Meet the Team Part 2, we want to introduce you to Bobbie, our Operations Director and Tasha, our Administrative Assistant.
The Real Cost of Having a Financial Advisor
Hiring a financial advisor is an investment. We get it! Perhaps you have questions about your financial future, asset...
What is a Money Purchase Plan?
What is a money purchase plan, and how does it work? In this post, we answer some FAQs about this retirement investment option.
Credit Union Vs. Bank: What’s the Difference?
Credit union vs. bank – is one better than the other? In this post, find out the pros and cons of each to decide which option is best for you.
Emergency Fund: Why It’s Important & How to Start One
Is having an emergency fund necessary? We’ll answer your questions about whether you need one and how to get started.
Wealth Management is for Every Age
Preparing financially isn’t just for the middle-aged or affluent – wealth management is for every age. Here’s how you can prepare right now.